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Loving Presence and Kum Nye Practices


Spring, 2017
Salt Spring Island
Dates and Times to be announced
For more information Contact Don McGinnis at 250-897-5576
or email



This four day retreat will combine skills of Loving Presence and Kum Nye practice to open up our senses, and build skills to transform unconscious habits through gentle, simple and subtle asana, mindfulness practices and partner and group activities.


What does this look like?


Kum Nye practices include gentle massage, simple stretching and movement practiced in a way that evokes the subtle body. It involves a precise mindfulness approach that awakens the language of the body, and invites wholeness. It is a body and feeling mindfulness practice. A lovely definition of Kum Nye is, 'to make friends with all experience.' Through stretching and movement, we activate Nye, or inner massage, and our presence, our 'being with' supports the softening and dissolving of stuck or negative energies, moving us towards balance.


Loving Presence is a beautiful practice that opens the door to receiving the beauty of others, and to experience others, and all life as a source of non-egocentric nourishment. It invites us to be present with ourselves while with others, to value the unknown, to focus on what is strong and beautiful in others, and to experience others, even those in our care, as a source of wholeness.


The Workshop


The workshop will be spacious, with time for reflection and walks in nature, intermixed with gentle and sweet practices.


Our senses, especially sight and hearing, are overlaid with thinking, interpreting and predicting. Our direct experience of the world is clouded by beliefs, concepts and identifications. This happens so quickly that we are rarely even aware that we are filtering experience. When we move into the realm of direct experiencing, setting aside the stories we are perpetually and automatically activating, we move beyond the need to fix, change, predict or control what is already going on.


We are ready to engage and live more comfortably in the unknown, and in a direct relationship with experience.


And we awaken others, not so much through knowldege and information, but through our clear seeing or clear sensing of the sacred essence everywhere. When we taste, see, hear, smell and feel the sacredness of all things, all life begins to nourish us, just as it is. This retreat, in beautiful nature surroundings, helps to loosen our perceptions and open the organ of true seeing, the heart.





For more information contact Don McGinnis at 250-897-5576 or email

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