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Kum Nye 30 Day Challenge


About the Challenge



The next Kum Nye Challenge begins April 15, 2017

All exercises and quotations within the Kum Nye Challenge are used with permission of Dharma Publishing. For More Information about Dharma Publishing and Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga, please follow these links.




"It would be wonderful if we had endless time to do he things we need to do;  to do  what we were born to accomplish, overcome, or grow into. That simply isn't true. While our soul may touch into infinity, our physical time is limited. 


If we were honest with ourselves, we would recognize that every minute counts, that time is of the essence, and that all of the activities that are depleting, waste this precious resource.


We might recognize that all the stories and excuses that we make won't change this reality. We will also see that as our intention, purpose and integrity grow, life presents opportunities at every corner. The awake alert mind and the open heart can grasp these opportunities.


This awareness may encourage use to really look carefully at the ways that we manage our life energy, and to more deeply enter our experiences. 


There is no need to be hard on ourselves. We are gradually releasing that which pulls us away from our true integrity and presence. Why not place our focus on our presence, and let everything else be the past?"


The Challenge


I decided to offer the challenge at the prompting of a friend and student. I noticed that students would faithfully come to classes each week, but not have the time to practice between classes. I wanted to offer something easy enough to commit to-- fifteen minutes a day--that would encourage daily practice.


I also intend to support the awakening of deeper purpose, which I believe is vital at this time in our history. My experience is that purpose is embodied, fully lived when we have made the body-mind connection, and can follow the heart's lead. This practice is about deepening purpose. 


This practice creates the opportunity to challenge yourself, using the practice of Kum Nye, to deepen and strengthen your intentions, and enhance how you live your life. This requires a commitment to yourself, to spend a minimum of fifteen minutes every day engaged in three activities. These are sitting, moving and reflecting. 


Ideally, you might spend longer, but your commitment is 15 minutes.


Please also view the page on commitment.


Speaking from personal experience, there have been many thing that I have started, but never finished.  This has prompted me to take on less, and complete what I do begin. 


Look realistically at your schedule, before you register for this challenge. Can you organize your time well enough, and manage your responsibilities and distractions so that you can commit?  This in fact is part of the challenge. I will refund the full amount to anyone who completes all thirty days. 


Check inside to see if this practice is right for you, based on your current needs, your health and other requirements.


What It Is


Please also refer to the information on Kum Nye from the menu above.


This practice helps shift how we manage our energy by assisting us to shift our focus from external to internal, gradually releasing energy blocks, aligning our energy centers, and then finally deepen into our purpose.


The practice has a contemplative dimension. Along the way, we explore how we are living, and we are developing the ability to unify mind and body, listening more fully to the wisdom and inspiration of the body.


A metaphor for Kum Nye might be, 'making friends with all experience'.  We let go of the labels that restrict us, and touch more directly into experience itself.


How It Works 


Each day you'll receive an email link to a new lesson, with images and recording of the practice for the day. Follow the practice and take a few minutes to journal. There are journal suggestions for most days. 

What You Need


Make sure that your physical environment is comfortable for you.


You need 15 minutes of undisturbed time, comfortable clothing, and a comfortable place to sit and stand. If you are able to sit cross-legged, a pillow or bolster will be helpful. If not, use a chair, preferably something like a dining room chair. None of the exercises involve lying down, a yoga mat is optional but not necessary.


Experience Level


This practice is safe for beginners. Please take good care of yourself. There is no reason to strain, and if you have an injury, move carefully. The main focus of Kum Nye is upon feeling, and staying aware.


I also suggest that after each practice, that you monitor how you feel differently. This will help you stay motivated. Even though this practice will be very effective in supporting your progression, there will be times when you will be challenged. Do your best to stay with your experience through your practice, and contact me  if you need support. 

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